Saturday 27 March 2021

NewsWatch: Friday’s jobs report will be released to a closed stock market—that’s only occurred 12 times since 1980


Good Friday is next week and markets will be closed as per usual. However, what will be unusual is that the closure of financial markets in the U.S., and other parts of the world, comes as the government is slated to release a key report on employment in the middle of a pandemic. See full story.

We want to retire in a place with a low cost of living, no humidity and no colder than 50 degrees — I freeze easily! Where should we go?

The house budget is broad: $250,000 to $450,000. See full story.

The housing market already is on fire, and inflation will soon follow, this former Morgan Stanley economist argues

Inflation is set to surge just as the Federal Reserve thinks it will recede. See full story.

A bitcoin revolution is underway and MarketWatch is gathering a cast of crypto experts to explain what it all means. Sign up!

A financial paradigm shift may be evolving right under our very noses. Here's how to find out if it is an investment opportunity or another bubble. See full story.

Zuckerberg, Dorsey get a Congressional tongue lashing, but does DC have more punishment in store?

It has become something of a routine ritual for CEOs of the nation's biggest tech companies to appear before Congress to be harshly criticized for allegedly engaging in monopolistic behavior, biased censorship and violations of privacy, but in the decade since the ascendance of Big Social Media, Congress has failed to back up their words with real legislation. See full story.


How do we move into probate so we do not lose the house and bank accounts, while not killing ourselves in the process?’ See full story.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

March 28, 2021 at 12:00AM



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