Friday 23 April 2021

Personal Finance Daily: Disney fan complains Walt Disney World is becoming too ‘woke’ and new home sales surge past expectations as builders race to meet demand

Happy Friday MarketWatchers.

We’re almost done with our money challenge! Next week we’ll be focusing on taking action to reach our money goals. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and stay tuned for new challenges on Monday.

Meanwhile, don’t miss these top stories.

60% of Americans want police to be held more accountable for mistreatment of Black people, new poll says

Concerns about how Black Americans and other minorities are treated by the criminal justice system remain higher than in previous years. Read More

‘Disability keeps getting left out’: A Google exec on boosting representation of people with disabilities — and bringing them into the C-suite

‘My hearing loss is my superpower, but it took a lot for me to recognize that,’ says KR Liu. Read More

The newest status symbol for high-net worth homeowners? Trophy trees.

Landscape architects dealing with big names said they are seeing nondisclosure agreements hit their desks like never before as the superrich seek privacy in their horticultural endeavors. Read More

Disney fan complains that Walt Disney World is becoming too ‘woke’ — here’s what’s changed at the park and why

Changes to Disney’s employee dress code and new versions of popular rides, including Splash Mountain, have something in common. Read More

Want to buy a vineyard? ‘Do it for the passion’ — not the economics

One giant pandemic takeaway is that life as we know it is not guaranteed. That’s led to an uptick in reconnecting with the outdoors, pursuing passions and not putting off dreams. Abandoning city life and moving to a vineyard to work in the wine industry embodies all of that. Read More

Weekend reads: How Berkshire Hathaway can thrive even without Warren Buffett

Also, Microsoft and Netflix, avoiding taxes and Bitcoin’s shuffle. Read More

My husband and I bought a $387K building with my parents. We sold it for nearly $1M. We took care of it. Do we still split it 50-50?

‘My parents put down 50% in cash and my husband and I financed half. We paid $18,000 back to my parents. I figure I did $100,000 worth of work’ Read More

Strains, sprains and pinched nerves: Injuries at home are on the rise

For more than a year, some of us have been working in makeshift offices, hunched over computers on beds, floors or coffee tables. Stuck at home, we’ve taken on projects and have been climbing ladders, painting walls and using tools that once collected dust in the basement. Some of us stopped exercising entirely—or launched into fitness routines without proper preparation. Read More

Bette Midler scores buyer for $50 million Manhattan penthouse

Bette Midler really has the wind beneath her wings now, and she is flyin’ high! Read More

New home sales surge past expectations as builders race to meet demand

Americans bought new homes at the fastest pace since 2006 in March. Read More

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April 24, 2021 at 08:53AM
Andrew Keshner



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