Monday 10 May 2021

Covid alert level reduced as lockdown set to ease

Young woman wearing a face mask with the words "stayin' alert" on it
PA Media

The UK's coronavirus alert level is being lowered from four to three on the advice of experts.

Alert level three means that although the virus is still in general circulation, transmission is no longer high or rising exponentially.

It comes as Boris Johnson is due to confirm at a Downing Street briefing England's pubs can serve indoors in the latest easing of lockdown next Monday.

The PM may also announce guidance that it is safe to hug friends and family.

Mr Johnson is expected to confirm England will move to the next stage of the government's road map for lifting England's lockdown at the 17:00 BST news conference.

The decision on the alert level was due to the efforts of the public in bringing Covid rates down, said a statement from the chief medical officers for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, along with NHS England national medical director Stephen Powis.

Cases, hospital admissions and deaths have all decreased and vaccines are having the desired protective effect, with the latest figures showing a third of UK adults are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19, and two-thirds have had their first of two doses.

"However Covid is still circulating, with people catching and spreading the virus every day so we all need to continue to be vigilant. This remains a major pandemic globally," the medical experts said.

The UK moved to the highest Covid alert level - five - in January as the nation was put into lockdown and there was a real risk of the NHS becoming overwhelmed. By late February, the alert was lowered to four.

But the alert system, which follows recommendations by the Joint Biosecurity Centre, is independent from government decisions on easing or tightening restrictions.

Graphic showing coronavirus alert levels from 5-1 where 5 is risk of overwhelming healthcare services, 4 is transmission high, 3 is virus in general circulation, 2 is number of cases and transmission low, 1 virus no longer present in UK

Health Minister Nadine Dorries said "the data is looking extremely positive" when she was asked if the guidance would change to allow hugging between friends and family who were not in the same household or support bubble.

"We've all missed the hugs, we've all missed the close and intimate contact we've had with friends and family and so I'm hopeful that we will be hugging and kissing again indoors," she told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

She stressed that people should take this step "a little bit cautiously" to protect people who may be vulnerable and avoid a resurgence of the virus, however.

Prof Cath Noakes, a member of the Sage committee that advises the government, said that if the guidance does allow hugs, they should be selective, brief, and people should avoid face-to-face contact to minimise the risk of spreading the virus.

In stage three of the government's road map for lifting England's lockdown, people will be able to meet in groups of up to 30 outdoors, while six people or two households can meet indoors.

A man holding a pint indoors
Getty Images
The long wait for an indoor pint

Millions of people in England have not been able to sit indoors in a pub since last October

  • 4 monthssince the nationwide shutdown of pubs

  • Longerfor all the people who were living under the toughest tier rules last December

  • Last Octoberfor people in many areas like Greater Manchester, because of tier rules

  • Drink onlyAnd in many areas where indoor drinks were allowed, they had to be drunk with food

BBC News

People are also likely to be allowed to stay overnight with those not in their household or bubble. Pubs, restaurants and other hospitality venues, such as cinemas and soft play areas, are set to be permitted to reopen indoors.

As part of other measures expected to be relaxed, the rest of the accommodation sector is to reopen, along with indoor group sports and exercise classes.

And up to 30 people are to be allowed to attend weddings, receptions and wakes, as well as funerals.

Foreign holidays will also return. On Friday, the government announced that 12 destinations would be placed on England's travel green list, meaning anyone returning from those areas will not need to quarantine from 17 May.

Each stage on the roadmap out of lockdown has been separated by a gap of several weeks to allow scientists to assess the impact of previous changes, which in stage two included the reopening of non-essential shops and outdoor service in pubs and restaurants.

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The government has to be satisfied that its four tests have been met, which depend on the successful rollout of vaccines, evidence that jabs are reducing serious illness and death, infection rates being under control and the risk from coronavirus variants not changing.

The devolved nations are working to their own timeframe for easing restrictions.

In Wales, indoor hospitality such as pubs, cafes, restaurants, cinemas, theatres and museums are expected to reopen from 17 May. All tourist accommodation is due to reopen and wedding receptions can have up to 30 people indoors and 50 outdoors.

In Scotland from 17 May, indoor hospitality venues are expected to resume with alcohol being served until 22:30. Cinemas, amusement arcades and bingo halls should reopen and indoor group exercise restart.

More restrictions may be lifted in Northern Ireland on 24 May, including the reopening of indoor hospitality, B&Bs and hotels. Indoor group exercise could resume and wedding receptions and funeral wakes restart.

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May 11, 2021 at 01:21AM
By Michelle Roberts



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