Tuesday 3 August 2021

US factory orders for June 1.5% versus 1.0% estimate

US factory orders for June 2021

Factory orders
  • factory orders rise by 1.5% versus 1.0% expected
  • prior report 1.7% revise higher to 2.3%
  • durable goods +0.9% versus 0.8% preliminary report
  • factory orders ex transportation 1.4% versus 1.0% in May
  • factory orders ex defense 1.6% versus 2.1% May
  • computers/electronic product orders +1.0% versus unchanged in May
  • nondurable orders 2.1% versus 1.4% May
  • total manufacturing inventories 1.0% versus 1.1% in May
  • nondefense capital orders ex aircraft revised to 0.7% from 0.5%  (positive for GDP)
  • June shipments 0.6%, unrevised from the preliminary report
  • inventories/shipments ratio 1.48 months versus 1.49 months in May

Very good numbers for the factory orders, and the durable goods revisions.


  • new orders for manufactured goods is now up for the 13th of the last 14 months
  • shipments are also up for the 13th month in the last the 14.  
  • Unfilled orders have been up for five consecutive months (up 1.0% versus a 1.0% increase in May)
  • inventories have increase for 12 the last 13 months
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August 04, 2021 at 02:00AM




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