
With Taliban back in power, 9/11 victim family member says it feels 'like on 9/10'

Family member of 9/11 victim told Fox News that the reemergence of the Taliban makes him feel like it's again the day before the terror attacks.

Brett Eagleson was 15 when his father was killed in the 9/11 terror attacks, spearheaded by al Qaeda from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. With America's withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban back in power, he believes America is in the same position it was 20 years ago.

"We are like on 9/10, and the Taliban is back in power," Eagleson told Fox News.

"It really was the Taliban who harbored these al Qaeda terrorists … who was then able to carry out the 9/11 attacks," he continued. "So, we are literally back to where we were before 9/11."

The hasty American withdrawal, which has left tens of thousands of Americans, Afghans and other foreign allies stranded, has led to widespread and bipartisan criticism of President Biden and his policy toward Afghanistan.


"I don't know why there was such immediate pressure to pull our troops out of Afghanistan," Eagleson told Fox News.

"I think we have more troops in Afghanistan today than we did at any point during when Biden was president, and that's because of … the way that we decided to leave Afghanistan," he said, calling the withdrawal a "disaster." "So really, we've accomplished nothing in terms of getting the troops out."

The U.S. scaled back the number of troops in Afghanistan to 2,500 just before Biden took office, and the president vowed to withdraw the remainder by Sept. 11. But the Taliban swept through Afghanistan soon after the remaining troops were pulled, leading Biden to deploy 6,000 more to help evacuate Americans from Kabul.

Eagleson has also been involved in a lawsuit that would force the U.S. government to declassify records he believes will connect Saudi Arabia to the 9/11 terror attacks. He told Fox News that he and other families of 9/11 victims are frustrated with the Biden administration for not following through on a campaign promise to make the documents available to the public.

"We're fed up, we're at our wits' end," he said.

"The Saudis, who have supported the hijackers both logistically and financially, have never been held accountable," Eagleson told Fox News. No evidence has been made public to support his allegation, though language from the 9/11 Commission has allowed speculation that Saudi government officials had some level of involvement.

"We do not want another single day to pass, especially another anniversary to pass, without our government standing up, finally doing the right thing," Eagleson told Fox News. "That is standing with the Americans, standing with those that were hurt and injured and killed in the aftermath of 9/11, as opposed to standing with those who are accused of supporting 9/11, which is the Saudi hijackers."

Earlier this month, Eagleson led a group of nearly 2,000 people impacted by the terror attacks in asking Biden not to attend any remembrance ceremonies commemorating the 20th anniversary of 9/11 unless the classified documents are released.

If given the opportunity to speak with Biden, Eagleson said, "I would ask him that he has the courage to honor his campaign promise to stand with the American citizens over any foreign interest to not to disclose the documents. Let's hold the Saudis accountable, and let's reassess our decisions in Afghanistan to honor those that have died on 9/11 and those that died in the fight."