Wednesday 4 August 2021

Markets reacting to the weaker ADP report

Gold higher, yields lower, stocks lower, crude oil lower dollar lower

the markets are reacting to the weaker ADP report
  • 10 year yield is down to 1.13%
  • Spot gold is trading up $16.50 or 0.01% $1826.74
  • WTI crude oil futures are down $1.10 or -1.55% $69.10
  • Dow futures are implying a -155 point decline. The S&P index is projected at -17 points
  • The USD is now lower versus all the major currencies with the exception of the CAD where it is still marginally higher. The loonie is being influenced by the lower oil prices.
Gold higher, yields lower, stocks lower, crude oil lower _dollar lower
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August 05, 2021 at 12:59AM



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